Citizens for Judicial Fairness Rebukes Attempts by Delaware Leaders to Make Delaware First in the Democratic Presidential Primary Calendar

DOVER, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, following reporting that the Democratic National Committee is considering moving Delaware forward in the Democratic presidential primary calendar – potentially even to first – in 2024 at the urging of Delaware Governor John Carney and other state leaders, Citizens for Judicial Fairness Campaign Manager Chris Coffey released the following statement:

“If the Democratic National Committee designates Delaware as the site of the first Democratic presidential primary election in 2024 and beyond, it will be an utter betrayal of its purported ideals of equity and diverse representation. Delaware and Governor Carney shouldn’t be rewarded for bad behavior – including continuously ignoring the voices of the state’s marginalized communities – with outsize influence over who the Democratic presidential nominee is not just in 2024, but for decades to come.
