Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware Rips Delaware Business Climate After Fortune 500 Company Corteva Moves Headquarters Out of Delaware

WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, following reports that yet another global company, Corteva Agriscience, is transferring their headquarters away from Delaware, Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware increases calls for transparency and change to make Delaware’s business climate more friendly. Corteva vacating Delaware as its HQ location knocks Delaware’s number of publicly traded NYSE companies back down to only a dozen.

Moreover, Corteva is one of only two Delaware-based corporations to make the Fortune 500 list of the nation's largest companies. The departure is a blow of more than $170,000 in annual franchise tax and fees but more alarmingly, follows a trend of other states like Nevada outpacing Delaware for new incorporations each year. Corteva, a DuPont spin off, had been headquartered in Delaware since being founded in the early 1800’s.
