Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware Calls for Transparency and Open Access in Upcoming TransPerfect Court Case

CPBD calls for open access to oral arguments in upcoming TransPerfect court appearance to bolster transparency and confidence in the Chancery Court

WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--On Tuesday March 2, outgoing Chancellor Bouchard of the Delaware Chancery Court is set to hear oral arguments in the TransPerfect case without a Zoom link for affected employees to observe and participate in the hearing. The lack of transparency comes despite courtroom protocols implemented on June 8, 2020 stating that “the Court of Chancery will continue to conduct hearings telephonically or using video technology whenever it is practicable to do so at the discretion of the presiding judge.”

The lack of transparency follows years of advocacy for more transparency on the Chancery Court by Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware (CPBD). Despite a clear public interest in the case and stated court protocols, Chancellor Bouchard has still resisted video access to the hearing, one of his final hearings before his premature retirement in April. CPBD is calling on Bouchard and the court to provide a public Zoom link to remedy the disturbing lack of transparency on display.

Read more here.
