Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware Slams Skadden Arps over Unreasonable and Objectionable Billing Practices
According to a report analyzing the last 13 months of bills by an external expert, Skadden Arps overbilled TransPerfect by $1.8 million dollars and charged over $156,000 in non- billable expenses including “Attorney meals.”
DOVER, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware slammed Chancery Court-appointed TransPerfect Custodian Robert Pincus and Skadden, Arps after an independent audit from billing expert David Paige, Esq. of Legal Fee Advisors revealed a widespread pattern of massive overbilling over the past 13 months, a small sample size in a Custodianship that has been ongoing for 6 years.
According to Paige, Skadden charged excessive billing rates that were 3 times greater than average market rates and engaged in two disfavored billing practices commonly known as “block billing” and “pattern billing.
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