Mobile Billboard Driver Harassed and Intimidated for Promoting Ad Exposing Chancery Court’s Lack of Diversity Sponsored by Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware

WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Following Friday’s episode of harassment and intimidation of a Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware contractor driving a mobile billboard truck exposing the lack of diversity on the Delaware Chancery Court that required him to call the Delaware State Police, Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware campaign manager Chris Coffey released the following statement:

“It’s sad to think that Delaware’s elite feel so threatened by the glaring inequities in the judicial system that they would spend hours intimidating the driver of a billboard that simply states the facts. As a grassroots organization, we pride ourselves on our commitment to calling out the injustice and corruption that thrive in Delaware’s courts and governments, even if it makes those who benefit from the status quo uncomfortable.”

Read more here.
