Civil Rights Activist Al Sharpton to Praise Appointment of Delaware's First Black Justice to the Supreme Court, Call for Continued Progress in Diversifying the State's Courts

Citizens for a Pro-Business Delaware: on Thursday, October 31st at 11am, civil rights activist Reverend Al Sharpton will hold a press conference and be joined by local elected officials, as well as faith leaders from across the state.

Rev. Sharpton will praise Governor Carney for his appointment of Court of Chancery Vice Chancellor Tamika Montgomery-Reeves to the Delaware Supreme Court, the first person of color ever named to the State's highest court. He will also call on the State to build on this progress by replacing her role on the Chancery Court with another person of color, in addition to enacting certain reforms to make the Delaware courts fairer and more transparent.

WHO: Reverend Al Sharpton; local elected officials; and faith leaders from across Delaware

WHEN: Thursday, October 31st at 11am

WHERE: Ezion-Mount Carmel United Methodist Church at 800 North Walnut Street
